Chromebook Error Message: To unlock and restore your local data enter your old Chromebook password
If a Chromebook gives the error message:
“To unlock and restore your local data, please enter your old Chromebook password”
Follow these 2 easy steps to resolve the problem and clear the local data.
Why am I asked to enter an old password at the PRSD Chromebook login screen?
After resetting your password, when you re-login for the first time with the new password it may give this screen asking you to enter in your old password. This is because you were previously signed into your Chromebook with your old password and it needs to unlock and restore your local data.
What is local data? Local data are files that are physically stored on your device's hard drive and not within the cloud (Google Drive storage)
If you didn't know your old password, click on Forgot old password. Then, at the next screen click on Proceed anyway. Any files locally stored on your device will be deleted and cannot be restored. This is a Google security feature to protect your data from unauthorized users.