My webpage is not loading properly, what could be blocking it?
uBlock Origin - What it is and how do I use it?
uBlock Origin is a Free, open-source content blocker which has been used by PRSD for years to help filter out unwanted content, pop-ups and privacy invasion.
The uBlock icon appears in the top right corner of your Google Chrome Browser.
If the uBlock shield icon is out grayed out then it is not actively blocking any content on the webpage you are using.
If the uBlock shield actively blocking any items on your webpage it will appear like this:
To unblock a website that you trust and use regularly, just click on the uBlock icon and select the blue button seen in the screenshot below, then select the Refresh icon to refresh your browser page.
See screenshots below:
After unblocking a site, it will be added to a list of trusted sites which you can access by clicking on the 3 gears at the bottom right corner of the uBlock menu to open the uBlock Dashboard. Here you can edit the list of trusted sites at any time and Apply the changes to save your sites.